> Hello LIC Neighbors, Friends, Parents,
> I’ve been asked to spread the word about something very cool and new to our LIC community:
> On Tuesday 15 October at 4pm, the LIC Community Garden will be launching its Little Free Library.
> Little Free Libraries are local community based and run book exchanges, that are springing up all over the world, from Perth, Australia to Anchorage, Alaska, and everywhere in between. You can find out more about Little Free Libraries at littlefreelibrary.org. The Community Garden’s Library will be themed around children’s books.
> You are invited to the Grand Opening of their Little Free Library at 4pm on the 15th of October. This celebration will include children’s books storytelling and a Composting for Kids class.
> The Composting class will be a fun and basic 101 for kids, presented by Compost Managers Tricia and Andrew Graham.
> Tricia & Andrew are software developers originally from Australia. They became involved in the community garden because they missed working in their own garden at home. They have been managing the composting operation and gardening at LIC Community Garden for almost 2 years.
> ( They also have super-cool Australian accents!)
> Have your kids bring a small bag of kitchen scraps if you’d like. Also if you could, please bring along a book or 2 to donate to the library’s collection
> Make sure to write on the inside cover which child it is from and the date!
> And finally – Please go to the Facebook page and Like them so you’ll get key updates, notices of events and see some very pretty pictures of the evolution of this wonderful community project. https://www.facebook.com/LittleFreeLibraryLIC