For Immediate Release: October 28, 2013
In New York City, Pro-Reform Advocates Risk Arrest Outside Varick ST. Detention Center
WHAT: Civil disobedience action, organized by New Yorkers for Real Immigration Reform
WHEN: Tuesday, October 29, 2013, at 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: Varick St. Detention Center, 201 Varick St, NY, NY.
This action, involving eleven individuals ready to risk arrest and 50 supporters, including undocumented family members, comes on the heels of an increasingly intense period in the immigration reform debate. Participants are calling for immigration reform with a path to citizenship now! For interviews in English, Spanish and Korean contact Thanu Yakupitiyage at [email protected].
Recent activities have included:
A national day of action on October 5th, when more than 180 mobilizations and events took place in 150 towns and cities in forty states.
An act of peaceful civil disobedience in Washington, DC, on October 8th, when eight members of Congress joined with 200 individuals in acts of civil disobedience, resulting in their arrests;
An address by the President on October 24th, urging the House to move a bill forward for a vote and encouraging the public to keep up the pressure on Congress.
The introduction of a House bill on October 2nd, HR 15, similar to the Senate bill that passed with wide bipartisan support.
A renewed effort at bipartisanship, with the first Republican in the House, Rep. Jeff Denham from California announcing over the weekend he will co-sponsor H.R. 15
Other actions across the state this week include:
What: Rally in front of Rep. Richard Hanna’s office
When: Oct. 30th at 4pm
Where: Rep. Hanna’s district office in downtown Binghamton, 49 Court St. Binghamton, NY
Who: Citizen Action New York
What: Petition Delivery to Rep. Chris Gibson
When: Wednesday, October 30th at 10 am
Where: Outside Rep. Gibson’s Kingston Office, 721 Broadway, Kingston, NY
Who: New York Civil Liberties Union, Citizen Action of New York, Labor Religion Coalition of New York, Worker Justice Center of New York and Citizen Action of New York
The New York Immigration Coalitionis an umbrella policy and advocacy organization for nearly 200 groups in New York State that work with immigrants and refugees. The NYIC aims to achieve a fairer and more just society that values the contributions of immigrants and extends opportunity to all by promoting immigrants’ full civic participation, fostering their leadership, and providing a unified voice and a vehicle for collective action for New York’s diverse immigrant communities.
The New Yorkers for Real Immigration Reform campaign is a statewide campaign coordinated by the New York Immigration Coalition and endorsed by 170 labor, business, faith, grassroots and immigrant organizations from across the state. The coalition is calling for an overhaul of the immigration system to meet the needs of the economy and keep families together.
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New York Immigration Coalition, . ., ., . . United States