Rene Sing
Priscilla Stadler is encouraging people to commit small acts of kindness in her new exhibit, FAVORS. The show is made up of paper spirals on which participants write their good deeds.
New Yorkers aren’t all rude, pushy and in a rush.
From a stranger catching a runaway pet to a young boy making his little brother laugh, a new art exhibit plans to shatter those negative stereotypes and highlight the everyday acts of kindness of city dwellers.
“This is my sneaky way of getting people to connect with one another,” said Priscilla Stadler, a LaGuardia Community College administrator who created the show, FAVORS, which will run through Nov. 23 at the Space Gallery in Long Island City. “Hopefully, it will encourage people to think about ways they can be generous with each other.”
Each of the more than 250 “favors” was documented on yellow and green paper ribbons and hung at different heights from the ceiling of the exhibit space.
Her favorite examples of folks paying it forward include a young boy who makes his brother giggle when his sibling is sad.
“We do have community here and caring — even though there sometimes seems there’s a lack [of it],” Stadler said.
About 1,200 students and faculty at Flushing High School got involved in the project.
“It helped students recognize the power of small actions,” said drama teacher Lindsay Shields. “It improved the mood of the school.”
Student Tatiana Valencia, 18, of Little Neck, was inspired to donate canned goods to her school’s food drive and she helped a teacher raise money for the hungry.
“It was really fun to see how any people … were eager to help,” said the high school senior. “I would like to do it again.”
Experts say that good deeds can have a big impact on the lives of others.
“Small acts of kindness boost up someone’s morale and make them feel that they are noticed, worthwhile,” said psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein. They “can save a life.”
Stadler hopes to take FAVORS, and the small acts of kindness the project inspires, citywide and beyond.
“It’s relevant to anyone, anywhere,” she said.
FAVORS, Space Gallery at 29-09 39th Ave. in Long Island City, Nov. 6 to Nov. 23,