Dec. 4, By Christian Murray
The illuminated snowflakes that line Vernon Boulevard were officially lit last night in a holiday lighting ceremony.
The event was held at LICBar, where attendees were treated to hot chocolate and cookies.
The snowflakes, which extend along Vernon Boulevard from 46h to 50th Avenues, were paid for through a grant from Jet Blue and funding from Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer’s office.
Van Bramer said the lights are uplifting and are great for small businesses, since they attract people to the Boulevard.
The children from PS 78 kicked off the ceremony by singing a number of popular Christmas tunes, such as Jingle Bells and Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer. The children were led by Gianna Cerbone-Teoli, owner of Manducatis Rustica.
The lights were then “officially” lit by Sheila Lewandowski, the executive director of the The Chocolate Factory, and Dana Frankel of the LIC Partnership.
The event was followed by Christmas stories at LICBar’s carriage house and music performed by local jazz group, The Charlie Brown Christmas Trio.