The intersection at 49th Street and Eleventh Avenue in Long Island City (credit: Monica Miller/WCBS 880)
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Residents are calling on the Department of Transportation to install more crosswalks at a deadly intersection in Queens.
The intersection at 49th Street and Eleventh Avenue in Long Island City has been the scene of numerous accidents involving pedestrians, CBS 2 reported.
The DOT did a study on the roadway between the Pulaski Bridge and the Midtown Tunnel but “have refused to implement any of the traffic measures that we have asked for to date,” Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer told 1010 WINS.
- Long Island City Residents Call For Crosswalks, Additional Signage At Deadly Intersection
- WCBS 880’s Monica Miller reports
“It’s a very dangerous intersection,” Van Bramer said. “As we all know when cars get stuck in traffic, they get impatient, they tend to do reckless things.”
The intersection is located between two large condos and residents said they fear for their safety.
“They are terrified that there’s going to be an accident and it could be a deadly accident,” Van Bramer said.
Residents want the city Department of Transportation to install crosswalks and additional signage.
“Any day a tragedy is going to happen and then that’s when we’re gonna be realizing that we needed that sign and we could have stopped that from happening,” said one resident who has a 3 year old and is expecting his second child in two weeks.
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