For Immediate Release: December 19, 2013
(Long Island City, NY) The District Council #9 Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund will conduct a recruitment from December 27, 2013 through January 10, 2014 for 50 drywall taper (finisher) apprentices, State Labor Commissioner Peter M. Rivera announced today.
Applications must be obtained, in person only, from District Council #9 JAATF, 45-15 36th Street, Long Island City, NY from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, during the recruitment period. The sponsor will be distributing 500 applications beginning Friday, December 27 and continuing for a period of 10 business days or until all applications have been exhausted, whichever comes first.
The Committee requires that applicants:
- Must be at least 18 years old.
- Must have a high school diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (G.E.D). Proof will be required after selection and prior to indenture.
- Must be physically able to perform the work required, as determined by a self-evaluation and by a physical examination at the expense of the sponsor.
- Must sign an affidavit stating that he/she is physically able to perform the work of a drywall taper (finisher), which includes:
- Preparing wallboard and panels for painting by taping and finishing joints and imperfections.
- Measuring, cutting, and fitting pieces for doors, windows, outlets, and other architectural surfaces.
- Gluing and fastening wallboards to frames.
- Lifting and moving heavy fixtures, equipment, and compound weighing up to 70 pounds.
- Working from ladders, scaffolds, stilts, and personnel lifts, which may exceed 100 feet in height.
- Working with a respirator and other personal protective equipment, as required.
- Must attend a three-day orientation.
- Must be able to travel throughout the five boroughs to reach job sites.
- Must have a driver’s license. Work may not be accessible by public transportation (e.g. Westchester Long Island).
- Must be able to read, hear, and understand instructions and warnings in English.
- Must provide military transfer card or discharge form DD-214, if applicable.
For further information, applicants should contact their nearest New York State Department of Labor office or District Council #9 at (718) 937-7440.
Apprentice programs registered with the Department of Labor must meet standards established by the Commissioner. Under state law, sponsors of programs cannot discriminate against applicants because of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, or marital status. Women and minorities are encouraged to submit applications for apprenticeship programs. Sponsors of programs are required to adopt affirmative action plans for the recruitment of women and minorities.
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