Coffeed about to break into the coffee wholesale business
The future roasting area Feb. 10, By Michael Florio A popular Long Island City café is getting into the wholesale coffee business. Coffeed, located on the first floor of the iconic Standard Motors Building (37-18 Northern Blvd), is in the process of doubling the size of its store –from 1,500 square feet to 3,000 square […]
One snapshot in a tragic national picture: Long Island sees exploding heroin use
STORY HIGHLIGHTS Heroin has killed a record number on Long Island in the last two years Drug counselor: A decade ago 2-3 bags of heroin a day was “a heavy user” He adds: “For kids these days, that’s breakfast” CDC says nationwide heroin deaths up 45% from 2006 to 2010 New York (CNN) — The […]
MTA Says It Will Promote Long Island City During 7 Train Shutdowns
The MTA says it’s willing to develop an advertising campaign to market Long Island City, to help offset weekend service cuts scheduled to take place on the neighborhood’s 7 train line over the next several months. View Full Caption David Goldman/Getty Images HUNTERS POINT — The MTA says it’s willing to develop an advertising campaign […]
State unveils latest plans for Center Blvd dog run
Click on Map (for closer view) Feb. 7, By Christian Murray State officials presented the design plans for a proposed dog run that would be located next to Center Boulevard, sandwiched between the new P.S./I.S. 78Q building and the Queens West Sports Field. The design, if approved, would result in a 3,000 sqf. dog run, […]
Woodside, Jackson Heights, Elmhurst become more desirable neighborhoods
Call it Long Island City East. As city housing prices soar higher than the waterfront towers rising in Long Island City, more young professionals and families are moving into nearby Woodside, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst, real estate experts told The News. “People are following the subway lines,” said Michael Tortorici, vice president of the brokerage […]
Film Studio and Production House Opens in Court Square
The new Court Square Studios includes 3,500-square-feet of rental space. View Full Caption Court Square Studios COURT SQUARE — Action. A film production house and studio rental space opened last month in rapidly developing Court Square. Court Square Studios offers video production and post-production services and studio space rentals inside a building at 21-38 44th […]
Queens Officials Want MTA To Help Long Island City During 7 Line Shutdowns
Get Breaking News First Receive News, Politics, and Entertainment Headlines Each Morning. Sign Up NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Officials in Queens have called on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to do more to help Long Island City businesses in the face of planned weekend shutdowns on the 7 line this year. The MTA announced last month that […]
Big box retail coming to Northern Blvd
Rendering Feb. 4, By Michael Florio Construction is expected to start on a large retail and office complex this year that is likely to turn 30-30 Northern Blvd into a destination for big box stores, rooftop restaurants and lounges. The development will be connected to the neighborhood’s iconic 7-story Apple Building (see photo below). The […]
Health commish: No bailout for Long Island City Hospital
The New York state health commissioner said Monday that Long Island College Hospital would not be eligible for federal funding from the state’s Medicaid waiver request. Testifying at a joint legislative budget hearing, Dr. Nirav Shah said that only hospitals with a plan to reduce inpatient admissions 25% would be eligible for federal funds. “That […]
Astoria location: Goodfellas, 1990 Little known how much Goodfellas is rooted in Queens.

The Linc
People actually live here now! Open for business. Wow. Also, note functioning junkyard next door. :end