LIC woman adopted at age 63 to score rent-controlled apartment
The crafty move has landed the tenant in housing court
March 23, 2014 04:00PM
Maria DeTommaso apartment building on 47th Road in Long Island CIty
Some people will do almost anything for a coveted rent-controlled apartment, but one Long Island City woman has upped the ante. getting herself adopted at age 63 to inherit an affordable apartment.
Born Pamela Becker, the wily tenant, who now goes by Maria DeTommaso, appeared in Queens Housing Court last week after her landlords attempted to evict her from the $100-a-month apartment, according to the New York Post.
“She has made my life a living hell,” Sugrim Outar, who owns the six-unit apartment building with his wife, said in court.
In 2002, Maria began living with Nicholas DeTommaso, a retired dockworker who had lived in the building for his entire life. Just 22 days before his death in 2009 Maria was adopted by DeTommaso.
The Outars have temporarily withdrawn their case again DeTommaso over technical issues, but vow to seek eviction. [NYP] – Christopher Cameron