TF Cornerstone reached 100% occupancy in its final building along a stretch of Long Island City, Queens, waterfront this week, signaling the end of a $1.4 billion, decade-long effort to add nearly 3,000 residential apartments to the area.
The final leases were in 46-10 Center Blvd., the newly opened 585-unit building that is the last of six towers the firm built on 21 acres of former industrial property.
“This is the icing on the cake,” said Sofia Estevez, executive vice president at the firm. “It’s the end of an era.”
Back in 2003, brothers Tom and Fred Elghanayan, while still doing business under the name Rockrose Development, purchased the tract from PepsiCo, and then completed the first TF Cornerstone building, 47-20 Center Blvd., in 2006. Since then, the firm has brought 2,615 rental units and 184 condos to the market, along with providing a public waterfront park.
“It is a mutually beneficial situation,” said Elizabeth Lusskin, president of the Long Island City Partnership, an organization that advocates for economic development in the neighborhood.
Residents of TF Cornerstone’s buildings can shop and eat in the neighborhood, while longtime residents now have access to the waterfront, she said.
However, the complexes were a neighborhood unto themselves and needed their own retail to make the project work.
“It was too isolated to just have apartments,” Ms. Estevez said. TF Cornerstone built out 35,000 square feet of retail. The area is now home to events like LIC Flea Food.
The six buildings built by TF Cornerstone were part of an overall development plan called Queens West, which was conceived in the 1980s and overseen by a branch of the state-run Empire State Development Corp.
The city and state have also put money into projects along the waterfront, including two parks and the city’s Hunter’s Point South project.
Last year, TF Cornerstone was tapped to build the second phase of that project: 36-story and 41-story apartment buildings with 1,193 apartments.