The Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) will be erecting an 8.5-foot-tall bright pink sculpture on Jackson Avenue in Long Island City. The artwork would be located there permanently and the cost to taxpayers would be about a half million dollars. Yes, you read that right. The DCA, through its Percent for Art initiative, has selected an artist to create a sculpture called “The Sunbather” which is likely to be placed on the grass median by the crosswalk near 43rd Avenue. The artist selected for the project is Brooklyn-based Ohad Meromi, who is likely to receive a design fee of about $100,000 for the work. According to the DCA, the sculpture will be a bright pink magenta figure made of bronze. The cost of the materials would be $225,000 and its installation an additional $45,600, according to records.
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We could use half million to fix the Jackson avenue potholes