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LICNYC sign from the 7 train. (vintage)

LICNYC sign from the 7 train. (vintage)

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LIC Skyline from 5 Ptz. (vintage, circa 2005)

LIC Skyline from 5 Ptz. (vintage, circa 2005)

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2,000 new apartments getting built

LIC real estate is about to double in value and intensity. Expect…Amazon sameday and Citibikes to notice. 50 pictures from the 2015 03 LIC Building Boom Thank Putin and Janet Yellen!

Peruvian! Go here!

Peruvian! Go here!

Jora on 11th street.

Sad dead trees on 11th street

Sad dead trees on 11th street

It happened. Some jerk wiped out five trees in a wild drive. 11th street mourns you oh trees.

Pink Sculpture, Rainbow Sculpture and Yellow Bird

Pink Sculpture, Rainbow Sculpture and Yellow Bird

It took years for the community to axe the kinda-tired yellow fence sculpture in LIC’s Murray Playground. The battle is pitched for the Jackson Ave streetscape. The pink sculpture proposed seems to be unpopular with local curmudgeons and hipsters. One made his own rainbow shed on Jackson Ave. The original NYT piece above. Pictures, […]