School surveillance video captured a group of 8th grade students bullying and tossing first graders around in the hallway in Queens.
Now, outraged parents want to know how this could happen on school grounds.
6-year-old Khamani Jones holds on to her dad’s hand a lot these days, and keeps him close. After what she went through at school, at the hands of students twice her age, you can understand it.
“To see your baby being dragged on the floor by somebody twice her age, I mean, I can’t even explain it, it was devastating to see that,” said Mulazim Woods, Khamani’s father.
But he did see it, when the assistant principal at P.S. 111 in Long Island City showed him a 30-minute long surveillance tape of his daughter and another child being slammed against a wall and dragged along the floor by the older students with no teacher in sight.
“Then I noticed my daughter being pulled, hit on the head with a plastic bottle, papers thrown in her face, and then I see her being dragged on the floor,” Woods said.
“The teacher and para left the children alone for about 30 minutes and left them alone and that’s when all chaos broke loose,” said Pamela Roth, Woods’ attorney.
The school refused to give Mr. Woods a copy of the tape, Eyewitness News obtained a cell phone clip of a small portion of it.
The assault happened on March 10th, but no police report was filed by the school until Thursday.
Khamani has been too frightened to go back to her old school and Friday she will start at a new school.
So why was Khamani left alone with these students twice her age?
“I have no idea, me and my fianc were never informed of it, they didn’t say anything until that day,” Woods said.
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