NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — A woman suffered severe burns after a man splashed an unknown substance in her face in Queens, police said.
It happened shortly after 6 p.m. Wednesday as the woman was getting into her car at the corner of 33rd Street and 43rd Avenue in Long Island City, police said.
The attacker called out to the woman and tossed a cupful of caustic liquid at her as she turned around, police said. He then fled.
Police: Man Throws Caustic Liquid In Woman’s Face In Queens
The 56-year-old victim was taken to New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center with third-degree burns to her face and hands. She is listed in stable condition.
The woman told police she does not know her attacker, who is described as a black male in his mid-30s, with a medium build, wearing dark shorts and a dark T-shirt, CBS2’s Steve Langford reported.
The victim works across the street from the scene at an arts venture for the mentally, socially and economically challenged, Langford reported.
Those who work in the area are alarmed.
“That is some sick stuff, but that almost sounds like maybe targeted,” said Robert Civitano.
“After 4:30 this place just clears out, we make it a point to walk together to the subway if we can,” said Melanie. “I’ve heard about muggings in this neighborhood, but nothing this intense and vicious.”
“It’s a sick world we live in, unfortunately, and people without rhyme or reason do things of that nature,” said Louis Perone.
It was not immediately known what the liquid contained.
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