3 Apartments With Tax Abatements to See This Weekend
3 Apartments With Tax Abatements to See This WeekendView Full Caption BROOKLYN – For some buyers, finding a condo with a tax abatement — when taxes are reduced or exempt for a specific chunk of time — will lower their monthly costs enough to enable them to afford a pricier condo. In today’s strong real […]
ISIS releases new threat against New York City
A new video released by ISIS warns that they are targeting New York, but city officials say we can’t be intimidated. In stills taken from the new ISIS propaganda video, you can see clips of Times Square and then a man wrapping a bomb in tape and putting it in his jacket. In a press […]
Luxury Living Comes to Long Island City – Multi
Lightstone broke ground on the development of a 428-unit luxury residential property in the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens, N.Y. The groundbreaking ceremony (left to right): Matt Niskanen, senior project manager; Mark Green, senior vice president of construction; Mitchell Hochberg, president; Scott Avram, senior vice president of development; Bryan Ramm, development director; and Jonathan Rabinow, senior vice […]