Gorgeous Classic LIC icon to be…destroyed?

*Don’t let them tear this down.*

Write to Jimmy Van Bramer at [email protected] –> he responds to
these, and his people read them, and they put in traffic lights and so
forth. Tell them this building needs to stay.

His website — http://jimmyvanbramer.com/

LICNYC heard about this from an LIC historian:

//Now here is something – the Demo Permit is already issued but we will
make a last minute stand – will sit down with authorities and try to get a

//Amol, any community needs a mix of old and new. We have given a great
deal of thought in what we do in what makes a successful neighborhood and
what is a failure. Unfortunately, by tearing down buildings like this they
are making every mistake in the book in creating LIC. Choices that will
come back to haunt them when your kids will be adults.

//Communities need a place like this – it would make a fabulous meeting
space, performance and arts space, as well as a tourist destination, and
yes, why not a good place to learn about a community with a historical
society (in a way that a library branch could never hope to achieve.

//It’s on 44th Drive between 11th and 21st Street.
