DNAinfo/Paul DeBenedetto
LONG ISLAND CITY — How about some local veggies with your local brew?
Rockaway Brewing Company will start offering more than just beers to the neighborhood this week — it’ll be a pick-up point for residents to get locally-sourced produce and groceries.
The brewery is teaming up with Brooklyn start-up Farmigo, which allows users to go online and shop for food from a number of small local farms which they can then pick up at designated locations, from offices to breweries.
“They have some really good stuff,” Rockaway Brewing’s Justine Yeung said. “It’s kind of like a CSA but its great because there’s no commitment.”
Customers will be able to buy things like fruit, vegetables, eggs, cheese, meat, breads and baked goods, among other items. The food comes from different farms in the region within 500 miles or less of the locations they’re picked up at, according to the company.
Users can pick the items they want from Farmigo’s website — which includes information on the farm the product comes from — and then pick up their grocery orders at Rockaway Brewing every Wednesday from 5 to 8 p.m.
Yeung said they decided to launch a the pick-up site at their taproom after hearing about Farmigo from residents who live nearby and wanted the service in their neighborhood.
“So many people that come to our taproom are regular customers,” she said. “They’re already coming in, so it’s on their way home.”
Orders must be placed by Sunday night each week to make it into that Wednesday’s delivery. For more information, visit Farmigo’s website here.