At this jiggle joint, “joint” meant marijuana — and sometimes cocaine.
The Show Palace, an “all nude” strip club in Long Island City, Queens, was shuttered by court order Friday after investigators learned that servers were selling both marijuana and cocaine along with non-alcoholic drinks and lap dances, officials said.
The NYPD Narcotics Bureau conducted a number of investigations at the Show Palace, according to officials. A week before it was closed, a shooting took place outside the club, a police source said.
“Waitresses were selling drugs to customers,” the source said.
The club was closed under the city’s Nuisance Abatement law and could re-open once it answers the complaints in court.
At least one drug arrest was made inside the club this year — on Valentine’s Day.
A post on the club’s Facebook page said the club was “temporarily closed.”
“Sorry for any inconvenience,” the message read.
Captain John Travaglia, the commanding officer of the 108th Precinct, announced the club’s closure via Twitter.
“Show Palace was closed by a Court Order tonight thanks to Legal Bureau OCCB Citywide Club Enforcement unit #NYPD,” he wrote.
A call and email to the Show Palace management staff were not returned.
The Show Palace — which is also billed as a restaurant, but serves only non-alcoholic drinks — is the “only” all-nude strip club in the city, according to its website.
“Seven nights a week, we offer gorgeous girls, amazing music, and great food,” the website says.
“Show Palace’s majestic chandeliers, bronze railings, plush carpeting, and granite accents add to its atmosphere of grandeur.”
long island city
gun violence