Long Island City’s doyenne of dance faces crippling rent hike
By Tammy Scileppi TimesLedger Newspapers Subscribe Get our stories in your inbox, free. Like TimesLedger on Facebook. In Long Island City, a once-thriving artist community is fighting for its very existence because of crippling rent hikes, while the area still enjoys the top arts destination billing for Queens. There’s a collective sense of frustration that […]
CB2 hosts public meeting on residential development at the Parago Paint …
Photo by Bill Parry The Paragon Paint building’s future will be discussed at a public meeting Wednesday in Long Island City. By Bill Parry TimesLedger Newspapers Subscribe Get our stories in your inbox, free. Like TimesLedger on Facebook. Community Board 2 will hold a public meeting Wednesday to discuss a mega-project that would transform Vernon […]
City pays exiled teachers to snooze as ‘rubber rooms’ return
The city’s infamous rubber rooms have rebounded. In one of the “reassignment centers,” 16 exiled educators sit in a city Department of Education building in Long Island City, Queens, including a dozen packed into one room — where they do virtually no work. They listen to music, do crossword puzzles, chat — and as this […]