DNAinfo/Jeanmarie Evelly
LONG ISLAND CITY — The city is looking for a developer to build two future parcels of housing at Hunters Point South, the Queens waterfront development that will eventually be the city’s largest affordable housing project built since the 1970s.
The Department of Housing Preservation and Development issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) Thursday to develop parcels F and G of the project, which will include at least 750 apartments, 60 percent of them affordable.
The affordable units will be dedicated to a mix of income-levels, including low and very low-income households, and are part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plan to create or preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing across the city by the end of 2024, officials said.
Parcels F and G are located on the southern most tip of the Hunters Point neighborhood south of 54th Avenue, on an undeveloped area of land along the East River and Newtown Creek where the city started building new sewers, streets and other infrastructure last year.
When the area is built out, Parcel F will be bound by Center Boulevard, 56th and 57th avenues, and will include a 600-seat elementary school as well as retail or community space along Center Boulevard.
Parcel G will be located east of Parcel F along Newtown Creek, bordering a new portion of Hunters Point South Park that’s currently being built along the waterfront.
“Hunter’s Point South is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a neighborhood from the ground-up — and we are not shying away from the challenge,” Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen said in a statement.
Responses to the city’s RFP are due Sept. 1, and a developer is expected to be chosen by early 2017.
These two portions of the project are part of the seven parcels planned for Hunters Point South, which when completed will include 5,000 new apartments.
Parcels A and B have already been completed, and include the first part of Hunters Point South Park, a new school building and two affordable apartment buildings.
Developer TF Cornerstone was selected in 2013 to build Parcel C, which is to include two apartment towers with nearly 1,200 units, 796 of them affordable.