Queens Food Tours: Flavors of Long Island City
Thanks to The Daily Meal, my family and I had the pleasure of experiencing a recent food tour of Long Island City, Queens. Our group ranged from Queens natives to New Yorkers from “other boroughs” to tourists from Germany, all of whom were equally entertained, not to mention well fed. A few of us may […]
Queens Food Tours: Flavors of Long Island City
Thanks to The Daily Meal, my family and I had the pleasure of experiencing a recent food tour of Long Island City, Queens. Our group ranged from Queens natives to New Yorkers from “other boroughs” to tourists from Germany, all of whom were equally entertained, not to mention well fed. A few of us may […]
Book cart in Long Island City will provide free access to 1000 books and activities for kids
Book lovers in Long Island City will now have another outlet to pick up interesting reads with the grand opening of a community-supported free library. M. Wells Steakhouse, located at 43-15 Crescent St., will utilize an empty lot next door to create a space for the community to choose from about 1,000 books collected through […]