Skyscraper behind Long Island City’s clock tower may still rise
It looks like a skyscraper could still rise on the development site behind Long Island City’s landmark Clock Tower. The Real Deal reports that the Durst Organization purchased the property from original developers Property Markets Group and the Hakim Organization, and will turn the site into a huge rental building spanning more than 1 million […]
Long Island City may be getting a life sciences campus that will provide thousands of new jobs
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new $500 million initiative on Tuesday that would bring 16,000 biotechnology jobs to the city. The initiative, called LifeSci NYC, would bring a life sciences campus to Long Island City or the Lower East Side. According to Maria Torres-Springer, president of the Economic Development Corporation, $100 million would be invested […]
City to look at Long Island City as home to new life sciences campus
Courtesy of Mayor’s office Mayor Bill de Blasio announces a new initiative to secure thousands of jobs in the life sciences industry that may include a campus in Long Island City. By Bill Parry TimesLedger Newspapers Subscribe Get our stories in your inbox, free. Like TimesLedger on Facebook. Long Island City is in the running […]