Aloft Debuts in Long Island City, NY
Aloft Debuts in Long Island City, NY | hotelbusiness.comHotel Business Magazine, The leading source of hospitality news “); } } }); search_text = $(“input#search”).val(); } $(“input#search”).bind(“propertychange”, function() { updateSearchResults(); }); $(“input#search”).bind(“input”, function() { updateSearchResults(); }); $(“input#search”).bind(“keydown”, function(e) { locked = 1; total_results = $(“div#search_results”).children(“div.search_result”).length; //current_id = parseInt($(this).attr(“id”).replace(/[^0-9]+/, “”)); if (e.keyCode == 40 !(current_id total_results)) { […]
Happy New Era
Friends Happy New Year. It’s more than that though, I think. This year marks the start of a New Era. More on this after I give you a few updates on my work the last year. Send your CEO friends to us at Knotel where we run company-sized workspaces with flexibility and stellar service all […]