January 12, By Christian Murray
A new operator is planning to take over Tutti Matti—formerly known as Testaccio–and convert the space into a sports-themed restaurant.
The new company, called 47 Thirty LLC, plans to open the 47-30 Vernon Blvd venue with approximately 12 TVs—plus a large screen—and offer an extensive menu. The kitchen is large so there will be a focus on food.
The operators want to keep the establishment open until 1 am Sunday-Thursday, and 2 am on Fridays and Saturdays, according to a representative who spoke at Community Board 2’s City Services Public Safety Committee last night.
The operators, who insisted they were opening a “sports-themed restaurant,” went before the board in their quest for a liquor license. The new operators will take over Tutti Matti once all their paper work is in order.
Pat O’Brien, chair of the City Services Public Safety Committee, said that the committee was unable to render a decision at this time. He said that Hunters Point residents should be able to get a better understanding of the application so they can weigh in on it first.
“When we hear restaurant with a sports theme, we think sports bar,” O’Brien said. “That is ok but it attracts a certain exuberance…and we have to scrutinize it a little more since it is not the same as a refined French restaurant that closes at 10:30 pm.”
O’Brien said the location is surrounded by residents. “You may be aware or may not be aware but there is a core group of residents along Vernon Blvd that think we have way too many bars and restaurants,” he said, adding that “for that reason we are sensitive to their concerns.”
The board plans to hold a public meeting in Hunters Point about the proposed “sports-themed restaurant.” The meeting is is likely to take place in early February. The board is likely to make a decision at that time.