Pols Want New Eligible Income Formula for Affordable Housing
This Bushwick building includes four subsidized apartments for singles and couples making up to $38,100. View Full Caption DNAinfo/Gwynne Hogan MANHATTAN — Two Albany lawmakers hope to change the formula determining eligibility for affordable housing. Astoria and Long Island City’s Sen. Michael Gianaris and Rep. Brian Barnwell want to create income bands for affordable units funded with […]
Long Island City Taqueria Mines The World For Fillings
The versatility of the taco is being mined once again at a new DIY taqueria in Long Island City, Unico, that opened on Monday. Behind the concept is Suvir Saran, who runs internationally-inspired restaurant Tapestry, which opened last year in the West Village. Together with restaurateur Roni Mazumdar, Saran’s offering “global tacos” in a choose-your-own-adventure-style […]