ICE grabs Brazilian man off the streets on Long Island City
By Bill Parry TimesLedger Newspapers Subscribe Get our stories in your inbox, free. Like TimesLedger on Facebook. A Brazilian national wanted for armed robbery in his home country was arrested in late February in Long Island City, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced Monday. Anderson Hickman, 33, was captured at an undisclosed location by […]
Tacos from around the world at ‘Unico Global Tacos’ in Long Island City – WABC
LONG ISLAND CITY, Queens (WABC) — The Tacos at Unico Global Tacos are not your typical tacos. Instead, the owner, Roni Mazum calls on cuisine from around the world to fill the tacos – like Peru for a ‘Lima Taco/ with shrimp and jicama mango-cabbage slaw, or Mississippi for the ‘Oxford Taco’ with fried chicken […]
Queens senator wants to shutter Long Island City strip club Aces, a hotbed for ‘troubling activity’
A Queens politician is aiming to shut down a trouble-prone jiggle joint. State Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Queens) wants to boot Long Island City’s Aces Gentleman’s Club, which he says is teeming with criminal activity. He is asking the State Liquor Authority not to renew the club’s cabaret license. “Recent reports from the NYPD’s 114th Precinct […]
City talks LIC study at CB 2 meeting
An ongoing study of the needs for infrastructure, affordable housing, business and economic opportunity in Long Island City was the focus of a Department of City Planning presentation at the monthly meeting of Community Board 2 on March 2. According to the DCP’s Penny Lee, the ultimate proposals will support the area’s mixed-use character by […]