Quezada’s dog (Facebook)
March 16, By Hannah Wulkan
A man who lives on the border of Long Island City and Astoria was sentenced to a year in prison for dropping his dog out of a third story window last summer, announced Queens District Attorney Richard Brown today.
According to Brown, 21-year-old Dorian Quezada of 43rd Street dropped his mixed-breed Chihuahua out of a third story window last August. The dog was severely injured, but did survive.
After pleading guilty to aggravated animal cruelty, Quezada was sentenced yesterday to one year in prison, and will not be allowed to own a pet for five years following his incarceration.
He will also have to register as an animal abuser with the city, which bars him from adopting or buying any animals from shelters or pet stores.
“In pleading guilty, the defendant has admitted to the horrible abuse of his dog. It is hard to imagine that someone would do something so cruel to their pet. My office takes a strong stand against any and all animal cruelty and is committed to aggressively enforcing the laws that protect animals from harm,” Brown said in a statement.
According to the charges, a man saw something fall from a window and land with a loud thud last August. When he looked up, he saw the defendant walking away from the window.
He found the dog lying on the ground yelping in pain with blood oozing from its mouth. The dog had a broken leg and dislocated ankle, and eventually recovered fully. She was adopted last November and is doing well in her new home.