Falchi Building
April 25, By Christian Murray
An employee with the Taxi Limousine Commission in Long Island City faces up to three years prison after installing a hidden camera in the office bathroom and recording about a dozen fellow employees using it.
Jamie Hughes, from Brooklyn, installed the device in a unisex bathroom at the TLC offices at 31-00 47th Avenue–the Falchi Building–and kept video footage of his colleagues using the bathroom on the camera’s memory card, according to the criminal complaint.
Hughes, who has pleaded guilty to unlawful surveillance, faces up to 3-years in prison when he is sentenced on May 3.
Investigators were alerted to crime after an employee at the TLC discovered a USB device under the sink of the bathroom on the third floor on August 12, according to the criminal complaint,
Investigators tracked down the device to Hughes who had videos of people using the bathroom, which included images of each victim’s face, buttocks and other parts of the anatomy. One of the videos included Hughes placing the device under the sink.
Hughes admitted he had had installed the cameras in the bathroom about twice a week for about two months, according to investigators.
He pleaded guilty on March 29, according to The Daily News, in exchange for one to three years behind bars and was ordered held without bail until his sentencing