G Trains Resume Service Between Boroughs After Investigation …
Trains weren’t running between Court Square and Bedford-Nostrand Avenue, officials said. View Full Caption DNA/Stephanie Keith QUEENS — G trains resumed service Wednesday morning by 8 a.m. following a suspension between Queens and Brooklyn because of an investigation at 21st Street, officials said. Trains had been suspended between Court Square and Bedford-Nostrand Avenue as of […]
New photos of Long Island City’s 1 QPS Tower show off NYC’s highest rooftop pool
Just in time for the height of the summer season, developer Property Markets Group has released a set of new photos of their 500-foot Long Island City rental 1 QPS Tower, which has the highest rooftop pool in the city, complete with panoramic skyline views, plenty of lounge chairs, and a stylish bar area (h/t CityRealty). The new […]