The sun will be positioned perfectly on Manhattan’s grid tonight, July 12, and tomorrow, July 13, and you can see it happen from the Long Island City waterfront.
“Manhattanhenge” occurs every year in late May and mid-July when the setting sun lines up with the Manhattan grid. On two of these nights — May 30 and July 12 — the full sun is visible as it lines up with the streets; on May 29 and July 13, the half sun is visible on the horizon.
The Hunters Point Parks Conservancy is hosting “LICHenge,” where one can observe this phenomenon. Starting at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 12, and Thursday, July 13, at Gantry Plaza State Park in Long Island City, you can watch across the East River as the sun sets along 42nd Street in Manhattan.
During this year’s May Manhattanhenge, people were scattered along the waterfront of Hunters Point South Park and Gantry Plaza State Park with their phones and cameras in hand to snap pictures of the sun aligned with the streets.
Here are some of the pictures of the phenomenon from earlier in the year: