InAwe17: Join Zappos, Google, Venrock

And become part of the best InAwe ever.

** Hi friends,

Since we announced InAwe17 two weeks ago, the interest from you has been stronger than ever before. We’re inundated with requests and grateful for it. Thank you for being awesome. We’re working hard to make this fifth edition of the conference the best one ever.

Join us to learn about the future of email, messaging and productivity on Thursday, November 9th, all-day in the heart of New York City.
Book your ticket today (

** Say hi to Nick Beim from Venrock

Next to leaders from Zappos, Google and Workfit, we’re excited to announce a new cutting edge thinker to speak at InAwe17: Nick Beim, Partner at Venrock Ventures and one of the leading voices in the messaging industry, where he has lead numerous investments. “Messaging is eating the world, and customer needs and data are changing communication and commerce forever”, Nick said. “I’m looking forward to facilitate a discussion on the future of messaging platforms with the leaders in the field!”
Join Nick at InAwe17 (

** Partner up

The way we curate InAwe is unusual. We focus on storytelling and real discussions instead of sales pitches. We talk to industry leaders to find the hot topics and new faces instead of paying for big names. And we take a lot of effort and pride in diversity and gender balance – resulting in 50% women on stage last year! If you’d like to support this quality as a partner and bring your knowledge and brand to InAwe17, please email us (mailto:[email protected]?subject=I’d%20like%20to%20get%20involved%20at%20Inbox%20Awesome) . We look forward to talking.

** Be a happy Early Bird

Ticket prices will increase early next week. Just for you, we have released a final batch of 10 super early bird passes, 75% off the regular price. Reserve your seat today ( !
Register now for 75% off (

** Have a good weekend,
Felix, Lars, Amol and Team Awesome

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