A Queens-based not-for-profit organization wants to welcome the runners of the New York City Marathon to “The World’s Borough” with a loud and crazy cheer section.
For the seventh year, Queens Center of Progress (QCP) is organizing the Queens cheer section for the NYC Marathon, which takes place on Sunday, Nov. 5, and they want to make sure that the runners know when they are in Queens.
During last year’s marathon, only about 75 local high school students and community members came out to the cheering section at the entrance of Queens at the Pulaski Bridge, a representative from QPC said. Another complaint held by some of the runners was that during their short time in the borough, it was quiet and boring.
QCP is looking to change that this year.
So, QCP is asking for volunteers to sign up and “Welcome the World to Queens” by cheering the nearly 50,000 marathon runners on Nov. 5, at 44th Drive and 21st Street in Long Island City from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information or if you would like to volunteer to be in the cheering section, visit http://queenscentersforprogress.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer.