Broadway Star Jason Daneiley to perform in Long Island City
Photo by Justin Patterson Broadway star Jason Daneiley is coming to Long Island City for a free performance at the LaGuardia Performing Arts Center. By Merle Exit TimesLedger Newspapers Subscribe Get our stories in your inbox, free. Like TimesLedger on Facebook. Broadway star Jason Daneiley will give a free performance at the LaGuardia Performing Arts […]
‘Cheering Station’ at Court Square Aims to Energize Passing Runners During NYC Marathon
Volunteers from the 2016 cheering station interacting with NYC Marathon runners (Queens Center for Progress) Nov. 2, 2017 by Nathaly Pesantez COURT SQUARE — A “cheering station” will be set up in Court Square during the Nov. 5 TCS New York City Marathon to encourage runners passing through Queens, fresh off the race’s halfway mark. […]
‘That’s What Happens,’ Says Driver Who Ran Over Teen 3 Times for Egging Car
The victim suffered a fractured skull base, multiple spinal fractures, bruised lungs and other injuries. View Full Caption DNAinfo/Alan Neuhauser LONG ISLAND CITY — The driver who ran over a 17-year-old for egging his car on Halloween night told a shocked witness “that’s what happens” after repeatedly crushing the teen under the wheels of his minivan, leaving him with […]
UPDATE: Man runs over 17-year-old three times in Long Island City after teens throw eggs at his car on Halloween
A 50-year-old Long Island City resident whose car was hit pelted with eggs by teenagers on Halloween night retaliated by running over a 17-year-old with his car. According to police, Keith Richard was driving a 2008 Dodge caravan when he started arguing with teenagers who had vandalized his car at the intersection of 23rd Street and […]
Driver Mows Down Teen Who Threw Eggs at His Car on Halloween, Police Say
Keith Richard, 50, drove his car onto the sidewalk on Jackson Avenue, striking a 17-year-old boy, police said. View Full Caption Shutterstock LONG ISLAND CITY — A man drove his minivan onto a sidewalk to mow down a 17-year-old who had been with a group of teens throwing eggs at his car on Halloween night, police said. Keith […]