The First Authoritative Study on Flexibility in NYC Commercial Real Estate

To date, no one has done the work to quantify how just how much savings companies with nimble real estate strategies can expect—until now.

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The True Value of an Agile HQ

To date, no one has done the work to quantify just how much savings companies with nimble real estate strategies can expect—until now. This is the first authoritative study on flexibility in the New York City commercial real estate market.

NYC Needs More Office Space For Booming Jobs Market

Each year, 2.5 million square feet of new office space opens up in New York City, and we’ve seen a surge in new buildings: Hudson Yards, One World Trade Center, and One Vanderbilt, to name a few. When will there be too much commercial real estate available in the city? Read more to find out.…

Women @ Forbes: Let’s Talk ‘The Female Persuasion’ with Meg Wolitzer 

MAY 23 at 6:30PM | 551 Fifth Avenue, 9th Floor | New York City

Join us for a book signing and discussion with NY Times best-selling author Meg Wolitzer. She’ll be discussing her new, critically-acclaimed book The Female Persuasion, a novel that has been recommended by The Atlantic, NYTimes, and The New Yorker.

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