1,000,000 Square Feet and Counting

Knotel crossed a major milestone this week, managing over one million square feet globally. Next stop…

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Major Milestone: Knotel Now Manages Over 1,000,000 SF

What does this look like? knotel.com/locations/


In the News: Fighting Ignorance With Music

Last week, a lawyer went on a racist rant against Spanish speakers at an eatery near our HQ. It was vile. One of our values is to “Not Look Away.” So we didn’t. We sent him a mariachi band and joined the protest. The rest is in the papers.

Amidst the focus on growth, we won’t lose sight of the company we’re trying to build: open to all. We’re proud to stand with New Yorkers opposing ignorance with music.

Here’s what we stand for knotel.com/about-us/


The Future is Female: Workplaces of the Future

MAY 30 at 6:00PM | 551 Fifth Avenue, 9th Floor | New York City

Join us for a conversation between legendary women leaders Nicole Anasenes (CFO/COO of Squarespace), Tovah Haim (former CFO of Daily Harvest), and Rachel Meranus (CMO of Knotel).

Register Now knotel.com/event-detail/?event=future_is_female&t=jpg&title=VGhlIEZ1dHVyZSBpcyBGZW1hbGU6IFdvcmtwbGFjZXMgT2YgdGhlIEZ1dHVyZQ==&time=TWF5IDMwdGggMDY6MDAgcG0gdG8gMDg6MzAgcG0gQVQgNTUxIEZpZnRoIEF2ZW51ZSA…


How Social Media Became One of CRE’s Most Powerful Tools

Commercial real estate organizations have been taking advantage of social media to drum up interest in their properties (Knotel included). Find out how we use social media to augment our business, and how it can help yours.

Your Friends at Knotel.





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