LICNYC.com start in 2002 as a blog about Long Island City as development was getting underway on all the many commercial and residential projects. At the time, there was the big blue Citibank building, PS1, some cool looking old smokestacks, and two residential towers on the waterfront. A cupcake shop called Sage and a cafe called Ten63. Pretty much all there was of interest.

A lot has changed. We write about it and post relevant writing from around the web here at LICNYC every day.

Contact editor at licnyc dot com to email Amol Sarva, who created the blog. Contribute by sending an email or picture to licnyc at posterous dot com.

2 responses to “About LICNYC”

  1. Christina Lenahan

    Hi. I’m the director of CityView Racquet Club here in Long Island City and wanted to touch base about our facility. I don’t think many people in Long Island City know we are here and it’s by far one of the coolest racquet clubs in the city. It was built 4 years ago on top of the iconic Swingline stapler building with a bar/lounge, roof deck, squash and tennis courts as well as fitness and a luxury locker room with steam and sauna. I think CityView would be a great feature on this blog and would be happy to invite someone from LICNYC to come to the club for a visit. Feel free to call me at 718.389.6252. I hope you’re having a good one and look forward to hearing from you.

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